In a provocative and thought-provoking article, Emma Beddington contrasts leaders who wing it, perhaps because they love the adrenaline of taking a gamble or perhaps because they are averse to research and study, with leaders who appear to wing it in their decisions, but really have a solid well-researched understanding of the potential risks and rewards. Beddington notes that ‘what looks like winging it can, in fact, be instinctive decision-making backed up by experience’.

To avoid confusion, the first group of people who wing it outright do not have the requisite knowledge/skill of the subject area in which they are making decisions and therefore create potential danger for themselves or others. In leaders this would be a huge concern.

In the latter group, Beddington uses the examples of Elon Musk and tangentially, Steve Jobs. By many accounts in the case of Steve Jobs, his instinctive understanding of what constituted a premium experience was underpinned by a complete involvement in the details of every Apple product, whether hardware, software or services.

Dr Mike Carter, Chief Scientific Officer at, defines this group as leaders who form rapid decisions based upon experience and skill; rather than ‘winging it’ they are using informed improvisation. He gives an example from the world of music to illustrate this – ‘Buddy Rich was a brilliant jazz drummer who could lay down a tempo and then say to the band “what song does this go with?” Their jam sessions only worked because he and they were experienced musicians and confident in their shared skills.’ 

What path should leaders follow, therefore, to get a good balance between complete immersion in their businesses and outright winging it? I suspect that, in spite of the kudos that might follow a great outcome from a risky decision, most CEOs and other leaders would wish to avoid the harsh publicity about poor results from decisions made as a result of winging it. On the other hand, they might not have the energy and detailed knowledge of a Steve Jobs to immerse themselves in every aspect of their businesses. Hence the majority of leaders are mostly dependent on data to run their businesses, both quantitative such as financial and productivity and qualitative, such as employee experience (EX). But, does this give them all the data they need or are they, to an extent, forced to wing it on some important decisions? 

An understanding of Sensemaking (the ongoing innate process by which people make sense of their surroundings and context before they make decisions) gives leaders more control to understand on what basis they are forming opinions and to avoid those areas to which they are tempted to be wilfully blind (winging it).

However, Sensemaking data is not readily available to many leaders today, until now. Organisations have this innate Sensemaking ability highlighted by Beddington, within all of their workforce which enables them to make sense of situations instinctively. This Sensemaking knowledge, when collected and analysed is invaluable in helping leaders determine the right paths for an organisation and can act as an early warning system for potential issues up ahead.

Tensense calls this Organisational Experience (OX) data and has been providing this early warning analysis for clients for several years, significantly improving their organisational performance.

June 27, 2022

‘Winging it’ or Sensemaking?

In a provocative and thought-provoking article, Emma Beddington contrasts leaders who wing it, perhaps because they love the adrenaline of taking a gamble or perhaps because they are averse to research and study, with leaders who appear to wing it in their decisions, but really have a solid well-researched understanding of the potential risks and […]

November 13, 2020

Why resistance to change for Trump is a matter of nature and nurture

This article is a refreshingly honest account of how intuitive sensemaking drives our emotional response to our environment.

October 8, 2020

The past is often seen as a frame of reference – is this helpful?

In a recent webinar, Mike Carter talked about the Apollo 13 mission and how leaders in the control room had to navigate a potentially catastrophic, novel event.

October 2, 2020

Rethink and Improvise….

Technology is there to not only make life more efficient and effective, it also exists to help leaders “complete the picture”.

September 1, 2020

If you want to protect innovation in your organisation, measure your culture climate!

The ways that a lack of socialisation leads to long-term damage for organisations and their people

August 24, 2020

Try connecting to your brain – more quickly!

Surprise, surprise there really is a value in the experience and skills that leaders can bring to the table; and they should not have to think ‘big data or no data’!

Red Arrows
August 20, 2020

The Red Arrows cannot fly away from uncomfortable truths

This article is a refreshingly honest account of how intuitive sensemaking drives our emotional response to our environment.

triple novelty
July 31, 2020

Lessons from the pandemic: the pernicious effects of triple novelty

The COVID-19 pandemic is a novel event on a global scale, but what has caused its true impact for governments and organisations is the phenomenon of triple novelty.